Common words and phrases from a journal I kept my first semester at college, in 1989, and frequency of use:
home (2)
drunk (2)
obsessed (2)
confusing (2)
frustrated (3)
game (3)
far away (3)
hormones (3)
depressing (4)
sex (4)
distracted (4)
attraction (4)
crying (4)
want attention (4)
cigarettes (4)
open (4)
heart (4)
I don’t know (4)
his eyes (5)
I wish (7)
hurt (8)
why am I (8)
relationship (9)
get over (9)
fuck (10)
insane (10)
hard (11)
God (12)
love (12)
I feel (13)
scared (16)
alone (20)
I want (25)
friend (35)
Number of times this weekend I had to get up and walk away from the very thin journal: 42 56