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16 Replies to “Well, hey, New York Times…”

  1. Hi Michael,
    I look forward to Modern Love every Friday, and thought your piece today was so apt, on the personal and societal levels, for this moment our country is in. Congrats on making it into the Times, and I hope this piece and your new job bring fulfillment and some ease 🙂


  2. CM – Hi Michael, Thank you for sharing your experience on Modern Love. Your article came across as so human and compassionate. One of the best Modern Love articles I’ve read in a while.

  3. Hi Michael,

    I just finished reading your piece in the Times in currently cloudy Cupertino while waiting for my girlfriend to get ready to go up to SF.

    Just wanted to say that I enjoyed your storytelling and the rhythm of the narration. It might not be a ‘good situation’ overall but you made it beautiful nonetheless.

    Best of luck 🙂

  4. Congratulations Mike!! Your article is indeed a very timely and important message to people, regardless of sexual orientation, age, etc. I have followed your blog for a little while and truly enjoy your musings and writings. Congratulations on being recognized by the New York Times. What a truly wonderful achievement. I hope that this opens even more doors for you. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.

  5. Hi Michael, loved your Modern Love piece! I found you on Medium too and really enjoyed your story on being trolled. I’m an online writer too and understand that feeling of vulnerability! Look forward to reading more of your work. –Kelly Eden

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